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Dot Dot Dot

"A very odd man..."


It's not safe

​This universe is still being explored. There will be more information available in the future. Thank you for understanding.


What is this place?

General Anomaly University is a school that brings in people who have had experiences with anomalous things and teaches them about the anomalies of the universe. To qualify for enrollment you must:


  • Have at least one experience with an anomaly.

  • Be naturally curious.

  • Be 16 years of age. (Can be overlooked)

  • Have searched for answers on at least one anomaly.

  • Be brave or capable of comprehending world changing anomalies.


In some cases you may still be denied entry due to other circumstances such as personal motives/morals or overcrowding.

     The goal of GAU is to slowly provide the world with answers to unexplained occurrences. Either through one student at a time or through one Anomaly Researcher at a time. Telling others about anomalies or GAU is frowned upon and may lead to suspension or expulsion based on the severity of the leaked information.

     After graduation you are given a rank and license. Your rank dictates what you are capable of and what you are allowed to do. A rank one allows you to teach at GAU, be an Anomaly Researcher, and allows you to perform safe and humane testing on anomalies or anomalous creatures. A rank two allows you to Teach at GAU and be an Anomaly Researcher. A rank three only allows you to teach at GAU. You can improve your rank by going through more courses.

     Any Anomaly Researcher is permitted to publish their findings to the rest of the world, but only if they have enough evidence and knowledge on the subject. Anomaly Researchers may, and are encouraged, to submit their findings to GAU regardless of how much they have learned or know on the subject. Submitting findings to GAU will be rewarded with payment that is equal to the amount of information given.

Dot's Disappearance

Where did he go?

Dot discovered an anomaly in the universe at an early age and it stuck with him his whole life. No one would believe what he found until one day his creativity and drive for anomalies led to the General Anomaly University (GAU) to recruit him and teach him about the unknown parts of the world.


Because of this he left his family at 16 and he never returned. 2 years later, Dot contacted his family home with news that he was safe and for sure was never returning. In the letter he also explained that if they ever needed to contact him all they had to do was write a letter and give it to any cardinal so that it could deliver it. This angered the family and they decided to no longer attempt to find him.


12 years later, Dot's brother, Mason, married Mandy and moved into their dream home. Very quickly they learned they wouldn't be able to keep the house. This lead Mandy to give a letter to a cardinal in hopes to get Dot as a roommate, which would save their home.


When Dot finally shows up to their house, ready and eager to move in, Mason has conflicting feelings about it and the story really begins.

Important Note:

The writing on this website is copyrighted and you are not permitted to copy them or use them without permission. More information will be added or removed as this website is updated. If you found something that is no longer displayed and/or you have questions or comments you can contact me at

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